Kit UP Stage 3 : 170cm3 bore up + new camshafts for Shadow 125 Honda Bike

Kit UP Stage 3 : 170cm3 bore up + new camshafts for Shadow 125  Honda Bike-unlimited-power-Honda
Kit UP Stage 3 : 170cm3 bore up + new camshafts for Shadow 125  Honda Bike-unlimited-power-Honda Kit UP Stage 3 : 170cm3 bore up + new camshafts for Shadow 125  Honda Bike-unlimited-power-Honda Kit UP Stage 3 : 170cm3 bore up + new camshafts for Shadow 125  Honda Bike-unlimited-power-Honda
Part number : 1648

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Description : Kit UP Stage 3 : 170cm3 bore up + new camshafts for Shadow 125 Honda Bike
Unit Price Incl. VAT : 678,00 €
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Shadow Stage 3: included stage1 without sprocket and stage 2


Replacement iron liners + pistons, new camshafts, modification of the air box and jets.

This engine has a liquid-cooled twin cylinder.
It is this mastered cooling of the rear cylinder which will allow to obtain both performance and reliability.
This engine has been largely sized to be able to be declined in a higher engine capacity (never released today).
On this stage 3, we provide new camshafts to better breathe the engine at high speeds. Compression is also increased without the risk of rattling.
The settings of the carburation will be adapted to the bench and provides with the parts.

The result is an engine that grows at low revs and takes as many laps as the original.
You will have a gain in torque of 30% allowing you to pass a car without shift down. The speed will be increased from 10 to 15km/h. The most sensitive it is when you turn throttle at 90km/h, you will have a real push to acceleration, while original, it does not happen anything.
The maximum speed will be faster and more often reached. You will no longer have to shift down during a gust of wind.

This product is very reliable, we proposed it since 2000. The mileage record is more than 100 000km without any disassembly and in less than 18 months! ( with a Varadéro) We guarantee against all hidden defects. (Provided that the cylinders are modified by the workshop recommended for the assembly of the liners into the cylinders which will be communicated with the parts)

List of supplied components: 2 cast iron liners (will be replaced in your original cylinders), 2 camshafts (bearings not included), 2 base gaskets, 2 cylinder head gaskets, 2 exhaust gaskets, 2 piston kits complete, new jets and an installation instruction indicating the reassembly and modification of the air box.

All our products are delivered pre-set. So you have only a disassembly / reassembly work to perform.

Contact us to confirm the availability. Then, disassemble and send us your two cylinders completely naked and well packaged to the address that you have received by mail after your order (Take care, they are closed in August every year). About 15 to 21 days later, you will receive your cylinders ready to go up.

The installation of a kit allowing to exceed the legal limits of the category of your vehicle, (for example 125cm3 or 15hp).It is your responsibility to bring yourself into compliance with the laws of the country where the product will be used. Reserved only for the competition.